YOUMI, a Lebanese businesswoman, is one of the youngest successful women entrepreneurs in Lebanon and the Arab world.

“YOUMI” became a businesswoman in her early twenties. She established a pioneering company in the field of contact lenses, eyelashes and hair extension, which is considered as one of the best brands in the Arab world.
“YOUMI” contact lenses are considered as one of the most important brands of lenses that are widely used by everyone due to their high-precision manufacturing and the selection of exciting natural colours.”Youmi” was also interested in offering more than one degree of colour to help her customers to choose what suit them best from within the range of colours offered.
In addition, “YOUMI” did her best too to provide special extension lashes for every lady who wants charming and attractive eyes with a natural appearance, so she launched “YOUMI Lashes” which are considered as one of the best brands of eyelashes in the field of cosmetics and eyelashes extension because of its high quality and suitability for all types of eyes.
And recently, “YOUMI” is preparing to launch “YOUMI Hair Extensions”, which will be distinguished by its composition, colours, length and price to suit everyone.
We also recall that “YOUMI” has also opened a new branch in Dubai based on her customers’ request.
Writer : ManaL Chehade